The site is back up at:
we are still experiencing some problems with email but that should be worked out in a few days
The site is back up at:
we are still experiencing some problems with email but that should be worked out in a few days
i would be interested in hearing a few.
for the life of me (pun intended) i can't think of any good ones.. robyn
I recently asked a friend "What is the meaning of life" simply being cute. "Bob" is probably the sharpest knife in the drawer. He wrote back, "there is no meaning - that's the joke." No one knows what is really going on with this existence - beyond the obvious sort of things. Beliefs maybe wild speculation - but they are important nonetheless. If your beliefs comfort you, they have utility. Do you find it usful to believe that there are no real reasons to go on living? I doubt that very much. Believe something that comforts and makes sense to you. Don't worry about what someone else believes.
Did you see the movie "City Slickers" a few years ago? Remember Billy Crystal trying to get back his smile and the old cowboy asked him if he knew the secret to life? The secret was "one thing" and Billy Crystal's character had to figure out what that one thing was. That's the way it is for all of us.
A pretty good place to start is to go help someone who is worse off than you are. You'll feel needed and make the world a better place in the process. My dad is one of the happiest people I know - and still a JW I might add. He spends most of his day driving around to help different family members and friends. Getting out of the house and getting involved with other people did the trick for him. Others have posted what works for them but you hold the key. You ascertain the "real reasons" to go on living. What makes you happy? What do you enjoy? What are your best memories? Who would you like to see? Where would you like to go? What would you like to eat next?
Life is over all too fast anyway, don't you think? I'm hoping you'll find some reasons that make sense to you!
Keep Smilin'
what happened or was said, that made you decide, enough is enough, i am out of here ?????
I was deeply troubled by the needless loss of life caused by the WTS irrational policy on the use of blood and blood products. However, the final straw was when two elders sat me down and told me that the Body of Elders wanted to know when was the last time I had agreed to disfellowship a young person. That was the final straw for me.
All of the new directories have been set up, files have been uploaded, email accounts, etc. Now we are waiting
for the domain name to be transfered to the new host. That could take another day or so.
For the time being, here is a temporary address:
The site will not function as it should accessed by this temporary address but its the best that we can do.
The ball got dropped. We are moving the site to a new location. It should be back up in a few days.
here is an email we received the other day.
it illustrates the extent of the mind control the wts has over many of its members: .
"you must have been one of jehovah's witnesses in the past, and are now .
Here is an email we received the other day. It illustrates the extent of the mind control the WTS has over many of its members:
"You must have been one of Jehovah's Witnesses in the past, and are now
feeling guilty for the things you are doing now. This website is absolutely
ridiculous. I typed blood transfusions into my search engine, and your website was at
the top. Since I am one of Jehovah's witnesses, I clicked on it, not realizing
it was a page full of slander. You will be judged by Jehovah for this when
the end comes, and I think you know it. Satan is making you do this. I have that
alleged article in my hands, and no where does it say cows blood is okay. You
are a demonized, sick sad person, and so is your entire company. You
completed distorted the scriptures, the articles, and apparently, your heart and mind.
You know what you are doing is wrong, and Jehovah knows to. Before you go and
slander witnesses, think about your own messed up life. Where is the
motivation for this coming from? You are a bad person, and you don't even have correct
information. Give it up. You know this is the truth. And if you don't do
anything about it, you will regret it."
the latest wt study article suggests, .
if we courageously explain our scriptural position to a judge, we are delivering an important message.
caption, page 12 wt march 1, 2003, april 13 study be courageous and strong
Thanks for posting. Can I access the transcript online or could you email it to me?
northfield receives clearance to begin prehospital trauma trial.
treatment to begin with polyhemer at the scene of injury.
--company to host conference call today--.
Treatment to Begin with PolyHemer at the Scene of Injury
--Company to Host Conference Call Today--
EVANSTON, IL-March 5, 2003- Northfield Laboratories Inc. (Nasdaq:
NFLD) announced today that it has received clearance from the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to proceed with its pivotal Phase
III prehospital trial with PolyHemer, the Company's oxygen-carrying
blood substitute. Successful completion of the proposed trial could
form the basis for product approval and licensure to market PolyHeme.
"This is a gratifying day for Northfield. The clinical trial we
proposed is unprecedented in its scope, design, and setting," said
Steven A. Gould, M.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
Northfield. "This favorable response represents a seminal
achievement in our efforts to develop PolyHeme as the first blood
substitute to be approved for use in urgent blood loss when blood is
not immediately available."
The trial is designed to assess the safety and efficacy of PolyHeme
in improving survival when used to treat severely injured and
bleeding trauma patients beginning at the scene of injury and
continuing during ambulance transport to the hospital. Northfield
anticipates that approximately 20 Level I trauma centers throughout
the United States will eventually participate in the PolyHeme trial,
with an expected enrollment of about 700 patients.
Because the patients eligible for the study are unlikely to be able
to provide consent due to the extent and nature of their injuries,
the trial will be conducted under federal regulations that allow
clinical research in emergency settings using an exception from the
requirement for informed consent.
"This landmark trial would not be possible without the important data
from our recently published experience documenting the life-
sustaining capability of PolyHeme in the hospital setting in trauma
patients who participated in those trials," Dr. Gould said. "We look
forward to completing the many organizational and procedural details
that are required under the regulations before patient enrollment can
Clinical trials at each study site are overseen by a local
Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB is an independent body
composed of medical, scientific, and nonscientific members, whose
responsibility is to ensure the protection of the rights, safety, and
well-being of patients enrolled in clinical trials. The traditional
IRB approval of a clinical trial includes a requirement that informed
consent be obtained from patients before enrollment can occur. Under
the current regulations, the IRB responsible for the review, approval
and continuing monitoring of a clinical trial may give approval for
patient enrollment in trials in emergency situations without
requiring informed consent provided specific criteria are met. The
patients must be in a life-threatening situation, and the
experimental therapy being evaluated must offer patients the
potential for direct clinical benefit in the form of increased
survival. Before enrollment can begin, the regulations require
public disclosure of information about the trial, including the
potential risks and expected benefits. Consultation must also occur
with representatives of the community where the study will be
conducted and from which the study population will be drawn. The
process is individualized and must be tailored to the specific
community and patient population involved. The length of time for
IRB review and community consultation at each site may therefore vary
"We have begun to work on these tasks, and are benefiting from our
interactions with investigators and sites that have previously
participated in such trials involving an exception from informed
consent. The time required to complete these activities has ranged
from 8 to 10 weeks to more than 6 months, depending on the specific
site and location," Dr. Gould said.
Northfield is also pursuing a special protocol assessment, or SPA,
with FDA under provisions of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act of
1992 and the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997.
A special protocol assessment represents acknowledgement and
confirmation of a mutual agreement between a sponsor and FDA that
successful completion of the proposed trial will form the primary
basis for an efficacy claim and product approval. When agreement is
reached, FDA commits the agreement to writing and makes it part of
the administrative record. Such an agreement may only be changed by
mutual agreement of the parties, or if FDA identifies a substantial
scientific issue relevant to safety or efficacy after the testing has
"Coming to agreement on the design and outcome of the protocol is a
critical accomplishment. Now that we have the requisite clearance on
the trial, we look forward to completing the final negotiations for
special protocol assessment with FDA to solidify our regulatory
program for the approval of PolyHeme," Dr. Gould said. "In the
meantime, we have been diligently preparing the necessary groundwork
for initiation of the study-identifying sites and investigators,
selecting a contract research organization to administer the trial,
initiating the interaction with IRBs, and preparing materials to
support our sites in conducting public disclosure and community
consultation. We have much work ahead of us, but look forward to
meeting the challenge."
we have a situation in phoenix, az where a family member is requesting immediate assistance.. please respond if possible.
see request below.. regards,.
lee elder.
We have a situation in Phoenix, AZ where a family member is requesting immediate assistance.
Please respond if possible. See request below.
Lee Elder
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 10:57 AM
Subject: My Father
Dear Lee,
My name is D.H.. My father who is a Jehovah's Witness has suffered a major stroke several weeks ago. He is in the rehab hospital in Phoenix, AZ. His hemoglobin count is critical.
Are there any AJWRB's in the Phoenix, Arizona area that could speak with my father?
Please reply so that I can set up further correspondence.
my most painful confession
note to simon: i will use some expletives, but i hope that they will be retained as this is intended to be an otherwise civil and thoughtful post to all my fellow ex-jws.
please read on, as this is most painful.
Nice post. I hope you get to feeling better very soon.
Thank you for your words of wisdom.